Weitere Titel: RED SPECTRE, THE
Genre: Short film
Jahr: 1907
Beschreibung: A spectre appears against the backdrop of a grotto and performs a variety of magic tricks consisting of making a series of girls, dancers, objects and flames appear and disappear, also making bodies levitate and performing transfiguration tricks. This film represents part of Chomón's evolution from 'cinema of attractions' (which focuses on astounding the audience through visual trickery) to plot-driven cinema, although this piece is not without its tricks. The filmmaker also uses a variety of shots to observe the tricks, moving away from the exclusive use of the long shot.
Schlüsselwörter: esquelets; desaparicions; aparicions; Infern; màgia; trucatge; fantasmagoria; Cinema dels orígens / trick photography; phantasmagoria; early cinema; spectres; skeletons; disappearances; appearances; Hell; magic;
Anbieter: Filmoteca de Catalunya
Rechte: Public Domain
Produktionsfirma: Pathé Frères
Farbe: Colour
Regie: Chomón, Segundo de
Ton: Without sound
Sammlung: Segundo de Chomón